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  • Industrial sensor design and electronics
  • Flow meters for pneumatically conveyed solids
  • Optimization of PCI
  • Valve controlled injection
PCI flow meter

Flow measurement

Flow meter equipment for pneumatically conveyed solids CABLOC

Control design

Integration of closed loop control


Development of communication interfaces and data logging


PCI (Pulverized Coal Injection) is used in a blast furnace to substitute some of the coke used in the iron-making process with pulverized coal. The coal is finely ground and injected into the blast furnace along with the hot air blast to provide energy and reduce the amount of coke needed. Our CABLOC flow meters can help to optimize this process and increase the benefit of PCI.

PCI coal injection into blastfurnace with CABLOC flow meter
Coal flow measurement and control with CABLOC CFC

Controlled injection

With the use of an integrated PID valve controller (CFC) and positioner feedback a controlled injection can be achieved. This is a highly cost saving possibility with no need for external software or control equipment

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